Tag Archives: Subtraction
Yocheved Gave Birth To Moshe
The Jews were in Mitzrayim for a total of 210 years. Yocheved was born as [...]
Meditation Before and After Davening
The Gemara cites a B’raisa that the pious would spend an hour in meditation before [...]
Trumah and Ma’aser to Cohen and Levi
When a farmer harvests his field he is required to give a portion of the [...]
Four Karnos of the Mizbach
The Outer Mizbe’ach was five amos (cubits) wide (see A) and five amos long (see [...]
If one person’s ox kills another ox
According to the simple meaning of the verse, if one person’s ox kills another’s then [...]
Calculating Yaakov’s Life
Rashi points out an interesting difficulty in calculating a timeline for the life of Yaakov. [...]
Space between Mishkan and Courtyard
The width of the Courtyard of the Mishkan is 50 amos [see “A”] (Shemos 27:12). [...]
The Outer Mizbeach
The Outer Mizbe’ach was 5 amos by 5 amos. [see “D”] (Shemos 27:1). In the [...]
Space for the Mishkan
The width of the Courtyard of the Mishkan is 50 amos [see “A”](Shemos 27:12). The [...]