Tag Archives: Division

Public Domain

The Gemara in Shabbos 98a discusses the definition of a public domain. The Gemara specifically [...]

Carrying on Shabbos

On Shabbos a person cannot carry in a public area. If a person has a [...]

Bein Hashmashos

In Shabbos 34b the Gemara sites a dispute between Rabbah and Rav Yosef on the [...]

Long and Short Mincha 2

There are two time slots which are discussed during which one can daven Mincha. One [...]

Halachic Hours in Alaska

A standard hour (SH) that we normally use is 60 minutes long. A halachic hour [...]


There are two time slots which are discussed during which one can daven Mincha. One [...]

Height of a Menorah

Yehudit is checking to make sure that her candles are between the recommended 3 and [...]

40 Years in the Midbar

During the 40 years in the wilderness the Jews stopped in 42 different locations.  Question: [...]

War with Midian

When the Jewish people returned from the war with Midian they took a large amount [...]

Weight of the Spices

Four of the 11 spices used in making incense for the temple were stacte, onycha, [...]