Tag Archives: Problem Solving
Measurements of the Egal Hazahav
Rashi tells us that the עֵגֶּל הַזָהָב (golden calf) was made of 125 kanterin of [...]
Bo: Years in Miztrayim
Avraham was told that the Jews would be in exile for 400 years. Our sages [...]
Misphatim: Stolen Animals
If a person steals a sheep or an ox and is caught, the court will [...]
Mishnah Challah / Parshas Shlakh: Taking Challah
Our sages teach us that if a person uses 1/10th of an ephah of flour [...]
Bo: Eating the Afikoman
The plague of the Makas Bechoros took place at midnight [Shemos 12:29]. This is why [...]
Miketz: Paroah’s Taxes 2
Yosef proposed to Paraoh that he should raise the taxes on grain from 1/10th [...]
Vayigash: Shevatim’s Clothing
Yaakov had 12 sons including Yosef. When Yosef sent his brothers back to their father [...]
Vayetzeh: Yaakov’s Daughters
Yaakov had 12 sons and one daughter. According to one opinion each of his children [...]
Lech Lecha: Yitzchak and Yaakov
Yishmael was 14 years old when Yitzchak was born [Bereishis 17:25, 18:10]. Yaakov was born [...]
Toldos: Yaakov and Esav and Avraham
Avraham lived to be 175 years old [Bereishis 25:7]. Yitzchak was born to Avraham when [...]